The Decentralized
Validator Hub
Maximizing staking rewards through decentralized validator tokenization.
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Welcome to
the Coaction network
Our decentralized validator tokenization protocol empowers validators, encouraging delegation through high-yield, multi-token rewards. By bringing the benefits of validator tokenization to the masses, we ensure both small and large validators have equal opportunities to thrive.
Earn More
Multiply your rewards with Coaction Network's decentralized validator tokenization protocol.
Break free from centralization challenges. Coaction Network empowers both small and large validators for a balanced ecosystem.
Our decentralized validator tokenization protocol empowers validators, encouraging delegation through high-yield, multi-token rewards. By bringing the benefits of validator tokenization to the masses,we ensure both small and large validators have equal opportunities to thrive.
Unleash the full potential of your validator business with Coaction Network's scalable solutions.

Join the community

Why Coaction?

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for all
Coaction Network's unique protocol empowers smaller validators and boosts staking rewards while promoting greater decentralization, scalability, and a balanced validator marketplace.
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Enjoy a smooth user experience. Our platform ensures swift onboarding, allowing you to participate in our network without any hassle.
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Transparency is our priority. Our platform offers you a detailed view of your journey, tracking native staking rewards, boosted staking rewards, CIT earnings, and CIT burned.
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Reliability and
Coaction Network is dedicated to reliability, trust, and top-tier security. With our rigorously updated and secure smart contract, you can confidently delegate and optimize your rewards.
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A fairer future
We champion fairness and inclusivity. By joining our community, you become part of a more diverse and dynamic ecosystem, where every participant has an equal opportunity to succeed and contribute to the protocol’s growth.
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A tailored solution
Fuel your journey with Coaction Network: Set your treasury rates, find your validator, and shape your participation based on your goals.
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for all
Coaction Network's unique protocol empowers smaller validators and boosts staking rewards while promoting greater decentralization, scalability, and a balanced validator marketplace.
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Enjoy a smooth user experience. Our platform ensures swift onboarding, allowing you to participate in our network without any hassle.
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rewards tracking
Transparency is our priority. Our platform offers you a detailed view of your journey, tracking native staking rewards, boosted staking rewards, CIT earnings, and CIT burned.
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and trust
Coaction Network is dedicated to reliability, trust, and top-tier security. With our rigorously updated and secure smart contract, you can confidently delegate and optimize your rewards.
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A fairer
We champion fairness and inclusivity. By joining our community, you become part of a more diverse and dynamic ecosystem, where every participant has an equal opportunity to succeed and contribute to the protocol’s growth.
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A tailored
Fuel your journey with Coaction Network: Set your treasury rates, find your validator, and shape your participation based on your goals.
Join the Coaction Network today
Unlock a new era of staking
rewards and growth.
Start your journey
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We want to hear your questions and value your feedback.
Contact us today and let's build the future of decentralization together.

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